Thanks for visiting my website. This site really is a repository of projects that I have worked on over the years, and I thought that I’d put this material out there in case that it might be of interest to others. There is a variety of content with a common theme running through it all, if you read between the lines. Life is seldom a straight forward path.

Myself in June 2014 on the last day of surveying St. Mary’s churchyard for Maulden History Society
In essence most of the things that I do revolve around Investigative Research, Open Source Intelligence, GIS and Data Science. I really like working on projects that are tricky to solve, usually starting with very limited information, and then using the scientific method to infer what happened in a given situation.
Over the years I have gradually become involved in the world of Intelligence Analysis. I hold a Certificate in Intelligence Analysis from The University of Basel. My interest in Intelligence has it’s root and was driven by my fathers army background in Signals Intelligence with GHQ Liaison Regiment who were codenamed Phantom. Phantom was the British Army’s ultra secret intelligence and communications regiment of World War Two. Following in his footsteps, albeit on the research side of things, I worked in SIGINT during the Cold War.
I find it a very intellectually satisfying challenge to reverse engineer something in an attempt to answer the questions of: Who?, What?, Where?, When?, Why? and How? As they say: Investigation is a mindset. I’m very much an out-of-the-box thinker, some people love me for that, while others feel quite the opposite. Ya, can’t please ’em all can you!

Dad sitting on the rocket motor of a Nazi V2 that failed on launch, somewhere in Belgium 1944/45.
I’m still in the process of putting material up on the site, although in the mean time feel free to take a look at anything that catches your eye.
Chris CalveyInvestigative Researcher